Research Talks
June 7 - 110, 2024: International Conference on Discrete Mathematics (ICDM 2024) at Savitribai Phule Pune University, India. Talk: Almost-regular matroids
April 11, 2024: City College of Technology SIAM Student Club. Talk: On the Epidemic Threshold of a Network.
April 9, 2024: Brooklyn College Math Club Colloquium. Talk: On the Epidemic Threshold of a Network.
March 4 - 8, 2024: Fifty-fifth Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Boca Raton, FL. Talk: Generating cyclically 4-connected cubic graphs. In the special session on Algorithmic Graph Theory.
Feb 21, 2024: VCU Discrete Math Seminar, Virginia Commonwealth University, VA.
Invited Talk: On cyclically 4-connected graphs. YouTubeNov 18, 2023: Seventy-Eight Graph Theory Day of New York, City College of Technology, CUNY.
Keynote Talk: The epidemic threshold of a network.May 29 - June 2, 2023: Montreal Graph Theory Workshop, Dawson College, Montreal, Canada.
Invited Talk: Deletable edges in 3-connected graphs.(Virtual) April 14, 2023: Discrete Math Seminar at University of Central Florida, FL.
Invited Talk: Deletable edges in 3-connected graphs.March 6 - 10, 2023: Fifty-fourth Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Boca Raton, FL. Talk: Characterizing minimally 3-connected graphs.
(Virtual) Feb 4: International Conference on Recent Advances in Graph Theory and Allied Fields (ICRAGAA 2023), St. Aloysius College, Thrissur, Kerala, India.
Invited Talk: Cyclically 4-connected cubic graphs.Jan 6, 2023: Joint Math Meetings, AWM Special Session on Women in Graph Theory, Boston, MA.
Talk: Cyclically 4-connected cubic graphs.(Virtual) Nov 8, 2022: Auburn Discrete Math Seminar, Auburn University, AL.
Invited Talk: Cyclically 4-connected cubic graphs.August 24, 2022: Chalk Talk at the Welcome Back Party, Graduate Center, CUNY, NY.
Talk: On an extension of a graph result by Halin.June 16 - 19, 2022: Association for Women in Mathematics Research Symposium 2022. Special Session on Advances in Combinatorics. University of Minnesota, MN. Talk: Splitters and Decomposers for Binary Matroids.
July 14, 2022: Summer RAMMP Colloquium, City College, NY.
Invited Talk: The epidemic threshold of a network.(Virtual) May 30 - June 2, 2022: Complenet 2022.
Talk: The epidemic threshold of a network.(Virtual) December 13-17, 2021: 43rd Australasian Combinatorics Conference.
Talk: Cyclically 4-connected cubic graphs.(Virtual) December 8, 2021: Atlantic Graph Theory Seminar.
Invited Talk: Finding monarchs in excluded minor classes.(Virtual) November 30, 2021: Brooklyn College Math Club Colloquium. Talk: Applied Graph Theory.
(Virtual) November 22, 2021: Graduate Student Seminar, Graduate Center, NY.
Invited Talk: Research in Matroid Theory.October 23, 2021: Mathematics Continued: A Conference for Undergraduate Students.
Keynote Talk: Graph Theory – From Königsburg to Connectomes.(Virtual) July 20 – 23, 2021: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Annual Conference.
Talk: Monarchs for excluded minor classes. In the minisymposium on Matroids and Antimatroids(Virtual) July 20 – 23, 2021: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Discrete Math Conference.
Talk: A structural result for H-critical graphs. In the minisymposium on Graphs and Geometries.(Virtual) April 23 – 24, 2021: Discrete Math Day of the Northeast.
Keynote Talk: Minimal and Maximal 3-connected families in excluded minor classes of matroids.(Virtual) April 5, 2021: CUNY Graduate Center’s Graduate Student Seminar.
Invited Talk: Node similarity measures.(Virtual) Feb 23, 2021: Georgia Tech Graph Theory Seminar. Invited Talk: Constructing minimally 3-connected graphs.
YouTube(Virtual) Jan 25 – Jan 28, 2021: The third North American Social Network Conference.
Talk: A node similarity measure based on local influence.(Virtual) Dec 11 – 14, 2020: International Conference (Online) on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, India. Talk: Splitters and Decomposers in binary matroids.
(Virtual) Sep 11, 2020: New York Combinatorics Seminar. Talk: Minor preserving deletable edges
(Virtual) Aug 6 – 8, 2020: International Conference on Graph Connections (ICGC 2020), Cochin, India
Talk: Minor preserving deletable edges.(Virtual) June 1 – 5, 2020: Conference on Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory, CUNY Graduate Center, NY.
Invited Talk: H-critical graphs(Virtual) April 16, 2020: Talk Math with your Friends. Invited Talk: What is a Matroid? YouTube
(Virtual) March 9 -13, 2020: Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL. Talk: Generating Graphs with a specific minor.
August 14 – 17, 2019: Ghent Graph Theory Conference on Structure and Algorithms, Ghent University, Belgium.
Invited Talk: Generating graph and matroid minors.July 22, 2019: Summer Combo in Vermont Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, VT.
Invited Talk: Finding monarchs for excluded minor classes of matroids.March 15 – 17, 2019: American Mathematical Society (Southeastern Section Meeting), Special Session on Graph Theory in Honor of Robert E. Jamison’s 70th Birthday, Auburn University. Invited Talk: Minor preserving deletable edges in graphs.
Dec 6, 2018: Rutgers Experimental Mathematics Seminar.
Invited Talk: Quasiregular matroids. Part 1, Part 2Nov 27, 2018: Brooklyn College Math Faculty Colloquium. Invited Talk: Excluded minor results in matroids.
Sep 29, 2018: Discrete Math Day of the Northeast, University of Rhode Island, RI.
Keynote Talk: Excluded minor results in matroidsSep 14, 2018: Discrete Geometry Seminar, Graduate Center, New York, NY.
Invited Talk: Quasiregular matroids.July 14, 2018: Summer Combo in Vermont, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, VT. Invited Talk: Deletion sets in binary matroids.
June 3 – 7, 2018: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Discrete Math Conference, Denver, CO.
Talk: Deletion sets in binary matroids.April 27 – 28, 2018: 59th MIdwest GrapH TheorY Conference (MIGHTY), West Virginia Univ., VA.
Talk: Minor preserving deletable edges in graphs.July 22, 2017: Summer Combo in Vermont, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, VT.
Invited Talk: Strong Splitter Theorem and its applications.July 3 – 7, 2017: 26th British Combinatorial Conference University of Strathclyde, Scotland.
Talk: Characterizing excluded minor classes using the Strong Splitter Theorem.June 29 – 30, 2017: Interactions with Combinatorics University of Birmingham, England.
Talk: Quasiregular matroids.June 23 – 30, 2017: Summer School on Finite Geometry, University of Sussex, England.
Talk: Matroids viewed as finite geometriesApril 22, 2017: 73rd Graph Theory Day of New York, City Tech, NY.
Talk: Graph generation using the Strong Splitter Theorem.Feb 22, 2017: Workshop on Surveillance and the First Amendment, Brooklyn College, NY. Talk: Centrality in covert networks.
Feb 21, 2017: Mathematical Sciences Colloquium, Brooklyn College, NY
Feb 10, 2017: New York Combinatorics Seminar, CUNY Graduate Center, NY
July 22 – 29, 2016: International Conference on Structure in Graph and Matroids, Eindhoven University, Netherlands.
Talk: Algorithmic matroid theoryJuly 12, 2016, 2016: Summer Combo in Vermont, Middlebury, VT.
Invited Talk: Strong Splitter Theorem and its applicationsJune 5 – 9, 2016: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Discrete Math Conference, Atlanta, GA. Minisymposium Organizer.
Talk: Strong Splitter Theorem and its applications.Aug 15 – 16, 2015: International Conference on Graph Theory and Applications, Middle Tennessee State University, TN.
Invited Talk: Strong Splitter TheoremMay 19 – 21, 2015: Conference on Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory, CUNY, NY.
Invited Talk: Growth rates and decomposition results.March 2, 2015: Forty-sixth Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing, Boca Raton, FL.
Invited Talk: Strong Splitter Theorem ApplicationsJanuary 31, 2015: New York Combinatorics Conference, NY.
Talk: Social network analysisSeptember 11, 2014: New York City College of Technology, Mathematics Colloquium.
Invited Talk: Graphs and matroids.July 20 – 25, 2014: International Conference on Structure in Graph and Matroids, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.
Invited Talk: Splitters and decomposers for binary matroidsMay 27 – 30, 2014: Conference on Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory, New York.
Invited Talk: Splitters and decomposers for binary matroids.July 11, 2013: Summer Combo in Vermont, Middlebury, VT.
Invited Talk: Strong Splitter Theorem for graphs and matroids.May 23 – 26, 2013: Conference on Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory, New York.
Invited Talk: Strong Splitter Theorem.May 10, 2013: New York Women in Mathematics and Computing, City Tech.
Poster: Strong Splitter Theorem.April 5, 2013: NYU Polytech Computer Science Colloquium.
Invited Talk: Algorithmic matroid theory.March 1 – 3, 2013: American Mathematical Society (Southeastern Section) Special Session on Connections between Matroids, Graphs, and Geometry, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS. Invited Talk: A decomposition theorem for binary matroids with no prism minor.
January 6, 2013: SIAM Meeting on Analytic Algorithms and combinatorics (ANALCO 2013), New Orleans, LA.
Talk: Unlabeled equivalence in matroids representable over finite fields.November 22, 2012: Math Club Colloquium, Brooklyn College, NY.
Talk: Graphs and Matroids.July 29 – August 4, 2012: Third Workshop on Graphs and Matroids, Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
Invited Talk: Splitter and Decomposers in Binary Matroids.May 25, 2012: Conference on Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory, New York.
Invited Talk: Two problems in matroid theory.April 28, 2012: Sixty-Third Graph Theory Day, Fairleigh Dickinson University. Plenary Speaker.
Invited Talk: Two problems in matroid theory.March 17 – 18, 2012: American Mathematical Society (Eastern Section), Special Session on Matroid Theory, Washington DC.
Talk: Strong Splitter Theorem. (Special Session Organizer)February 10 and 17, 2012: New York Combinatorics Seminar, Graduate Center, CUNY.
Talk: Excluded minor results in matroids – survey and techniques.November 14, 2011: York College Mathematics Colloquium, NY.
Invited Talk: Excluded minor results in matroids.March 24, 2011: Queens College Mathematics Colloquium, NY.
Invited Talk: Excluded minor results in matroids.March 21, 2011: Math Club Colloquium, Brooklyn College, NY.
Talk: Excluded minor results in matroids.August 1 – 7, 2010: Second Workshop on Graphs and Matroids, Maastricht University, The Netherlands.
Invited Talk: Inequivalence in representable matroids.March 27 – 28, 2010: American Mathematical Society, Special Session on Matroid Theory, University of Kentucky, Lexington.
Invited Talk: Inequivalence in representable matroids.April 25 – 26, 2009: American Mathematical Society, Special Session on Graphs and Matroids, Worcester Polytechnic University, Worcester, MA.
Invited Talk: Representable matroids with large planes.March 2 – 6, 2009: Fortieth Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, Florida Atlantic University, FL.
Talk: Computational approach to equivalenceSeptember 27, 2007: Experimental Math Seminar, Rutgers University, NJ.
Invited Talk: Experimenting with matroids.May 17 – 19, 2006: Twentieth Annual Cumberland Conference on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, and Computing, Emory University, GA.
Talk: On representable matroids with large planes.January 5 – 8, 2007: Joint Math Meetings, AMS special session on Graphs and Matroids Structure, New Orleans, LA.
Invited Talk: Stabilizers for matroids over finite fields.June 15, 2006: SIAM Student Chapter Seminar, Emory University, GA.
Invited Talk: Matroids from a graphic perspective.May 18 – 20, 2006: Nineteenth Annual Cumberland Conference on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, and Computing, East Tennessee State University, TN.
Talk: On the circuit-cocircuit intersection conjecture.March 2 – 5, 2005: Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing, Boca Raton, FL.
Talk: Stabilizers for matroids over finite fields.June 2 – 5, 2004: DIMACS-GERAD Workshop on Computers and Discovery. Second Meeting of the DIMACS Working Group on Graphs and Discovery, Montreal, Canada. Invited Talk: Excluded minor results in matroids.
April 16, 2004: Math Department Seminar, State University of Ne Work, Binghamton, NY. Invited Talk: Excluded minor results in matroids.
71. October 8 – 10, 2003: Women of Applied Mathematics Research and Leadership Workshop, University of Maryland, MD.
Invited Talk: Computational matroid theory.July 13 – 18, 2003: DCI 2003 – Graph Theory and its Applications to Problems of Society: Combinatorial Designs, DIMACS, Rutgers University, NJ.
Invited Talk: Representation of rank 3 matroids.May 18, 2003: Forty-fifth Graph Theory Day of New York. Queens College, NY. Plenary Speaker.
Invited Talk: Matroids from a graphic perspective.March 14 – 16, 2003: American Mathematical Society (Southeastern Section), Special Session on Graphs and Matroids, Louisiana State University, LA.
Invited Talk: On the circuit-cocircuit intersection conjecture.July 1 – 5, 2002: Conference on Matroid Structure Theory in honor of W. T. Tutte at Ohio State University.
Talk: Matroids from an experimental perspective.76. June 20 – 22, 2002: American Mathematical Society (Northwest Section) Special Session on Matroid Theory, Portland State University, OR. Invited Talk: Catalog of finite linear spaces.
March 8 – 10, 2002: American Mathematical Society (Southeastern Setion), Special Session on Matroids, Georgia Institute of Technology, GA.
Invited Talk: Some structural results for matroids.November 12 – 16, 2001: Workshop on Computer-generated conjectures from graph theoretic and chemical databases. First meeting of the DIMACS working group on Graphs and Discovery, Rutgers University, NJ. Invited Talk: A framework for combinatorial algorithms.
April 28 – 29, 2001: American Mathematical Society (Northeastern Section), Special Session on Graph Theory celebrating Frank Harary’s 80th birthday, Steven Institute of Technology, NJ. Invited Talk: Almost-graphic matroids.
Teaching and Math Culture Presentations
Sep 30 - Oct 2, 2023: Association for Women in Mathematics Research Symposium 2023. Special Session on "Driving Cultural Change in the Mathematical Sciences." Clark Atlanata University, Atlanta, GA. Invited Talk: Creating an Inclusive Mathematics Classroom and Department
April 16, 2021: CUNY Faculty Diversity and Inclusion Conference
Title of Workshop: Starting Now: Two Proactive Strategies for Advancing Antiracism in the CUNY Liberal Arts Classroom. (Joint with Stephanie Golob, Viviana Rivera-Burgos, and Pabvitraa Ramcharan).May 16, 2019: Brooklyn College Faculty Day.
Moderator of the panel on “Innovations in Teaching and Learning.”March 1, 2018: Workshop on Grants that Fund Undergraduate Research, Advanced Science Research Center, NY.
Poster: CUNY Combinatorics REU.May 25, 2016: Brooklyn College Faculty Day. Moderator of the round table discussion on “The conflict between surveillance and the free expression of ideas.”
March 11, 2015: CUNY Workshop on Research in the Classroom, City College, NY.
Invited Talk: Research in the mathematics classroom.November 7, 2014: Poster Session at the 2014 AACU Conference on Transforming STEM Higher Education, Atlanta, GA.
Poster: Undergraduate research experiences in Mathematics.April 23, 2014: CUNY Workshop on Research in the Classroom, City College, NY.
Invited Talk: Undergraduate research experiences in Mathematics.Jan 15, 2014: Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF DUE at the Joint Math Meetings, Baltimore, MD. Poster: Mathematics and Social Advocacy.
November 17, 2013: Council of Undergraduate Research Workshop on “Institutionalizing Undergraduate Research for State Systems and Consortia,” City College, NY. Invited Talk: Undergraduate research opportunities at Brooklyn College.
June 3 – 7, 2013: Minisymposium on Education Issues in Linear Algebra, International Linear Algebra Society, Providence, RI.
Invited Talk: Linear algebra applications to data sciences.Jan 23-25, 2013: 2013 NSF TUES/CCLI PI Conference, Washington DC.
Poster: Mathematics and Social Advocacy.May 18, 2012: CUNY 2012 Mathematics Conference on Effective Instructional Strategies, City College, NY. Poster: The Gap Project: Closing gaps in gateway mathematics courses.
Jan 5, 2012: Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF DUE at the Joint Math Meetings, New Orleans, LA. Poster: Mathematics and Social Advocacy.
February 18, 2011: Improving Math Learning Conference, Macaulay Honors College, NY. Invited Talk: Data driven education policy.
May 25, 2010: Brooklyn College Faculty Day. Moderator of the round table discussion on “Success in gateway mathematics courses.”