Welcome to my homepage!

I discover new mathematics and help people understand and enjoy math.

I am an Associate Professor of Mathematics at the City University of New York. I have a joint appointment in the Mathematics Ph.D program at the Graduate Center and in the Mathematics Department at Brooklyn College.

My areas of research are combinatorics and geometry – matroid theory, graph theory, and combinatorial algorithms with applications to network science. 

My areas of interest are broader and include combinatorial optimization, linear and abstract algebra, probability and statistics, history of mathematics, climate science, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. 

I did my Ph.d. at Louisiana State University and my dissertation advisor was James Oxley. Interested in matroid theory? Check out my Matroid Theory Pages.

My book "Graphs and Networks" blending graph theory and network science has been published by Wiley.  See the Table of Contents. The first chapter is a survey of graph theory and network science and sets the stage for the remaining chapters. The book has a blog accompanying it, where I will be posting all the material that did not make it into the book, as time permits. 

I am a co-founder of the New York Combinatorics Group. We welcome all combinatorists in the tri-state area. Send me an email and I'll include you in our growing group. We have been running the New York Combinatorics Seminar since 2011. The seminar has a YouTube channel.  We also hold an annual Graph Theory Day of New York, an annual New York Combinatorics Day, and a biannual New York Graph Theory Workshop.

I serve as an elected member of Brooklyn College's Faculty Council, a position I've held from 2011 to 2021 and again from 2024 - 2027. I am also an elected representative of the University Faculty Senate, representing Brooklyn College to CUNY.  

I serve as a faculty advisor for the Brooklyn College Math Club, and a research mentor for the RAMMP REU, the NYC Discrete Math REU, the Queens Discrete Math REU, and the New York Combinatorics REU.

Brooklyn College Faculty Profile   

Graduate Center Faculty Profile  

Email: skingan@brooklyn.cuny.edu

Department of Mathematics,
Brooklyn College,
2900 Bedford Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11210.
Department of Mathematics,
CUNY Graduate Center,
365 Fifth Avenue,
New York, NY 10016.